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  • is cute editor compatible with ASP 1.0 and 1.1?

    Hi there&#160;I was wondering if you could let me know what versions of cute editor is compatible with? I would like to use it with version 1.0?&#160;Thank you
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jag001 on March 22, 2005
  • missing CuteEditor.Editor file

    Hi all,&#160;I have CuteEditor version 3.0 and i was upgrading to the current release. I downloaded the .zip file and i replaced the .dll files with the ones from the&#160;.zip file. After doing this when trying to run cuteEditor i get the following error...&#160;Parser Error Message: Could not load type CuteEditor.Editor from assembly CuteEditor, ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jag001 on March 8, 2005