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  • Re: Updating a database entry

    Many thanks for this. I have got it to work! I wonder if I could now be cheeky to ask how to display HTML data from a field in a record in a database. I do not want it to be displayed using CuteEditor, but just as a web page. For example in a database called webpages containg a table called webpages with field names ID, titlefield and ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by MarcHawes on January 10, 2005
  • Updating a database entry

    I understand that the Database Demo supplied with Cute Editor updates entires in the records in the&#160;Test database. 1. When I click on the link&#160;to the Database Demo,&#160;Cute Editor comes up with Test in the editor box, but I cannot find any button on the screen that I can click on to update changes that I make. &#160;2. Also how do ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by MarcHawes on January 7, 2005