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  • A valid license cannot be granted for the type CuteEditor.Editor

    I downloaded the newest version of Cute Editor - I did buy the product a while back V 1.5 or 2.0. I thought this was a free upgrade. After using a few weeks I am gettiing the above error. THis is in Vis Studio. I have never deployed this&nbsp;on the web.Do I need to get a permanet license? How?Dave Parker&nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by daveparker on August 21, 2005
  • A valid license cannot be granted for the type CuteEditor

    I am a licensed user of CuteEditor 1.5. A while back I was informed that 2.o was a free upgrade. I downloaded the zip file from the address provided. I had 1.5 working OK on the site. Yesterday I figured I would try 2.0. I followed the instructions - unzipped the folder to a directory called cedit2 on my local drive and copied the dll into the bin ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by daveparker on January 29, 2005
  • Reporting

    I have not tried this, as I am yet trying to get the HTML to work properly. I think that I am about there.&nbsp; Here is another question. If I have text stored in the database from CuteEditor, can that be used in - for example - a crystal report?&nbsp; If I pull the data into that format will it be displayed with all the tags? Or can it be ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by daveparker on December 30, 2003
  • Re: Back at it

    So, the control has safeguards against malicious code. Good. Thanks.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by daveparker on December 30, 2003
  • Re: Back at it

    After some digging I see that my 'Error' message is generated by ASP.NET to protect against HTML that may have malicious code imbedded in it. You can prevent the error by setting the page directive 'validateRequest to false. However, then the HTML is not checked. Is this an issue using the Cute Editor? They advise setting up filters - regular ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by daveparker on December 29, 2003
  • Re: Back at it

    Trying this w an Access DB now. I still can't get the update to work. I get this error: A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (Editor1=''&lt;FONT face=Verdana&gt;a...'') This is the section of the insert that must be failing strSql += ''VALUES (''+intReqId+'', ''+intParId+'', 0, ''+ Editor1.Text +'','Not ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by daveparker on December 28, 2003
  • Back at it

    A while back I asked about editing a literal using cute editor and saving the changes. I assumed that this was the main purpose of the tool. The samples allow you to edit the text and make changes, and when you update they are displayed, however - as soon as the page is re-loaded the text that is in the page_load event is redisplayed. I don't see ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by daveparker on November 2, 2003