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  • Re: How can I localize CuteEditor to Norwegian?

    Thanks Adam. So my take away (to be painfull clear): &nbsp; CuteSoft provides the localized versions of the xml file for the UI (in all of the languages advertised on your site). CuteSoft provides the dictionary localization as well (for all of the languages advertised on your site). The localization is handled in external XML ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by heatherS on January 3, 2008
  • Which dictionary/UI languages come with CuteSoft?

    Hello, &nbsp; I'm determining the amount of work that will be involved in configuring CuteSoft to support our required locales. They are English (US), Spanish (Latin America), Portuguese (Brazil), Simplified Chinese (China -People's Republic). I did visit the internationalization demo you provide and it looks great. &nbsp; However, I know an ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by heatherS on January 2, 2008
  • Re: How can I localize CuteEditor to Norwegian?

    If I purchase CuteSoft, does it come with satellite language assembiles for all supported languages (including the dictionary support) or do I need to purchase these separately? &nbsp; Is there a developer's guide that walks us through a multi-lingual deployment? I know you are using an open source tool for the dictionary, but is that ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by heatherS on January 2, 2008