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  • Re: Links DropDown localizable? Configuration options

    Sorry, on re-reading my original post, i realize that since i was writing while thinking about something else, i have been really imprecise, something i usually try to avoid in my posts when i'm at the questionning end of the discussion. Sorry, let's reboot this :)We have a DotNetNuke site that uses CuteEditor for its html edition. Since ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Samy B on March 20, 2007
  • Links DropDown localizable? Configuration options

    Hello everyone &nbsp;We are currently in the last steps before publication of our website on the web. While ironing out some details, we realized that the link dropdownlist of the CuteEditor wasn't localized. We have a Localization module for our pages that allows us to change their titles according to the language... My question is the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Samy B on March 15, 2007