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  • Re: Submitting dynamic text from CMS

    Solved: I searched some more after I found out that other editors had the same problem. Found that these kind of errors can occur whenever a form is wrongly nested in a table. This was indeed the case in my site. Corrected the nesting of the form and table. Problem solved!
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by hassinck on February 20, 2012
  • SOLVED: Submitting dynamic text from CMS

    Hi,&nbsp;I just installed this nice wysiwyg editor into my recently built CMS. Following the instructions given by the documentation, this tool was easily integrated. However, the following occurs:When adding the editor into my CMS management part, I replaced &nbsp;$editor-&gt;Text=''Type&nbsp;here'';&nbsp;&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by hassinck on February 20, 2012