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  • Re: html2pdf convert problem

    Hmm.. that is correct, you code works even from my local when it is saved as pdf through the editor.&nbsp;Try do this:&nbsp;&lt;div style=''background-color: #575757;''&gt;test&lt;/div&gt;&nbsp;It works in the online version, from you link, &nbsp;but when it runs&nbsp;from local it gives a damage pdf document, that can not be opened.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by zentral on October 20, 2010
  • html2pdf convert problem

    Hi and thanks for this fine product .. &nbsp; I have a problem when trying to convert some html to pdf. &nbsp; 1. I can't use background-color, like: ''background-color: #575757;'' It is the HEX color that gives the problem, and after the document is saved, it can't open the document. Says that is has an error. &nbsp; 2. I can't use ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by zentral on October 19, 2010