Set Location of CuteChatSendFiles folder

  •  09-14-2016, 9:52 AM

    Set Location of CuteChatSendFiles folder

    Just wondering if it's possible to specify the location of the CuteChatSendFiles folder when uploading a file to the chat as I have Cute Chat software in two different projects which are connected to each other but each have their own CuteChatSendFiles folder when means you can't send files via chat at the moment. I'd like to combine both folders but doesn't seem to be a way to specify the location of the folder. I did find a way to specify the folder for downloading the file (in DownloadFile.Ashx) but can't find a way of setting the location for uploading (I looked at DialogSendFile.aspx, but couldn't see how the file is uploaded)


    Please let me know if it's possible.


    Thanks in advance,



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