DotNetGallery License Issue #2

  •  05-10-2004, 8:50 PM

    DotNetGallery License Issue #2

    I'm not sure what else to try, I'm still receiving an invalid license error. I downloaded the file today and the .lic file is time stamped May 8, 2004.


    It's a pretty simple configure. I copy the files folder for the archive, define it as a new application and nothing works. I've also tried specifying the location of the .lic file in the web.config to no avail.


    Is there a way to confirm it's even reading the license file? I notice I receive the same "The License for Gallery is not valid." error when I purposely specify an invalid file. So it's possible it's not even reading the .lic file. I've tried without defining a location in web.config which I understand should cause the program to read the license from the license directory in the root of the current application and I've tried specifying the location within the web.config file as follows:


    <add key="DotNetGalleryLicense" value="/licenses/DotNetGallery.lic" />


    In all cases I receive the same error. I'm out of ideas. Any suggestions?





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