Mulitple FileStorageTypes

  •  01-18-2012, 8:03 AM

    Mulitple FileStorageTypes

    Based on the SQL Server sample, a custom storage provider can be assigned to the Editor1.Setting["CuteEditorFileStorageType"] property.   My focus was on uploading PDFs and this works fine.  However, I guess I didn't anticipate that this would apply to all uploads - like images or movies.  I tried the images upload button and found the custom storeage class being invoked.  Is it possible to have different storage sources for different data types?  For example, assign a custom storage for documents and a file system based storage for images (in this case the default storage type).   One thought I have is handling the click event for a button and do the custom storage assignment there instead of as the SQL sample does on the Page Load event.  Are button click events available to program?
    Steve Kumbsky
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