AjaxUploader tablet support?

  •  11-09-2011, 2:45 PM

    AjaxUploader tablet support?

    I've been a paid AjaxUploader user for a while now, but I've recently started receiving calls from tablet computer users about the uploader not working properly on those devices. I have since tested, and verified that the AjaxUploader on my site doesn't work properly on either an Ipad2 or a Motorola Xoom. The iPad2 also does not work on the demonstration AjaxUploader pages on the Cutesoft website. The buttons appear on the initial web page, but when the browse button is clicked, the popup window does not appear, so the user cannot select files to upload.
    While tablets are still a small part of the overall market, their popularity is growing rapidly and my site will need to be fully compatible with them in the near future. We are currently telling those users to transfer their files to a desktop computer and upload that way, but that is simply a short-term workaround. Will this be addressed in your product anytime soon?
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