Re: Getting http error1:404 :Not found

  •  09-01-2011, 6:45 AM

    Re: Getting http error1:404 :Not found

    I'm getting the same error message, although in different circumstances;
    - site used to work fine in IIS6 (on Win2k3)
    - site has moved to IIS7.5 (on Win2k8), and is otherwise ok
    - both sites use the 
    UrlRewritingNet.UrlRewrite component, although I've also tried native IIS UrlRewrite on the newer server
    - uploading files now generates this error in a JS alert; "http error1 :404:Not Found"
    Using Fiddler to watch the HTTP conversation, this seems to happen after the last chunk has been uploaded; the browser makes a request with a large querystring (mostly ViewState), and this is returned;
    <script type='text/javascript'>if(window.parent.CurrentUpload)window.parent.CurrentUpload.UploadOK('ctl00_ctl00_contentMaster_contentCommittee_ucTopicForm_CommentFileUploaderImage_1314875976615_1','1d1ea7ee-a38f-4578-84c3-904bd3f948f0','')</script> 
    and the browser then re-requests the original page URL (with no query string), and gets "0|error|500||" returned.
    On the newer server, after the upload of the last chunk the browser makes the large querystring request, but gets a 404 response (with the standard IIS7 404 body).
    UploaderDebug=1 on the querystring of the original page gives;
    INFO ScriptVersion ,20110722-01
    INFO UploadType/addontype,Auto/Silverlight
    BEGIN event initialize
    END event initialize
    BEGIN event browse
    END event browse,true
    BEGIN event silverlight select
    END event silverlight select,true
    BEGIN event start
    END event start
    BEGIN event taskstart,{20110830 Catalyst guidance notes.pdf:553726}
    END event taskstart
    INFO InitFrame 
    INFO silverlight report,response,dd6ee38e-ae99-468f-8936-926ac1bff0a2,OK,
    INFO submit form via xmlhttp ,$ctl00$contentMaster$contentCommittee$ucCommentForm$CommentFileUploader&ContextValue=!3wEWAQUKfi9BcHBfRGF0Ya4mEb1ZxCoJY7WF4Es5lEJW7A43&_MaxSizeKB=102400&_Addon=verify&_AddonGuid=dd6ee38e-ae99-468f-8936-926ac1bff0a2
    INFO get http status,404
    ERROR get http 404, <html> (body snipped)
    INFO UploadError,ctl00_ctl00_contentMaster_contentCommittee_ucCommentForm_CommentFileUploaderImage_1314870913433_1,http error1 :404:Not Found,,20110830 Catalyst guidance notes.pdf
    BEGIN event error,20110830 Catalyst guidance notes.pdf:http error1 :404:Not Found
    END event error,true
    BEGIN event taskerror,error:http error1 :404:Not Found
    BEGIN event taskerror
    BEGIN event stop
    END event stop
    I'm using AjaxUploader version 3.0.20110722.
    I'm pretty sure this is related to the rewrites; the simple testcase above works fine.
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