Saving images in SQL server does not work on production/test server - dows work on dev

  •  02-23-2011, 7:16 AM

    Saving images in SQL server does not work on production/test server - dows work on dev

    I'm trying to test the SQL image storing functionality.
    It works fine on my local machine, using the local SQL server.
    However, on the test and production server it can read the information from the SQL server, but cannot create new directory or file.
    I tried to debug on the test server - 
    put a breakpoint on  CreateDirectory(..)
    Run the application - click insert image
    I can see the folders I manually created on the DB (for testing)
    I click "create directory" enter the directory name, and click OK - now it just hangs... 
    It doesn't even stop at the break point! 
    Any idea?
    (both dev and test use VS2010 and SQL 2008)
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