Re: Problem with prompting for credentials and FlashLoadMode

  •  10-29-2010, 2:43 AM

    Re: Problem with prompting for credentials and FlashLoadMode

    Flash 10 is installed.
    We are getting the following error with FlashLoadMode="true" :
    Type 'CuteWebUI.UploadAttachments' does not have a public property named 'FlashLoadMode'.
    Intellisense in Visual Studio suggests the property exists and it compiles fine. We also don't get this error while running the site from Visual Studio, only from the server. It's like it was using the old DLL on the server, but I'm 100% sure we swapped it out. What could cause this? Could the server cache the DLL somehow?
    Your customers shall install Flash v10 for this feature.
    Flash 8/9 do not support that API.
    <noframes>Your browser doesn't support frames.</noframes>
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