Build In contacts

  •  09-17-2010, 10:41 AM

    Build In contacts

    I am integrating cute messenger with our own internal portal.  I have created a custom AppDataManager and overriden the GetContacts method to return a list of users who are currently logged into the portal (but have not neccessarily opened the web messenger window).  The list of contacts displays the list of users logged into the portal correctly.  However, when the logged in user opens the web messenger all users show as "offline", even if those users have also opened the webmessenger.
    Do I need to set any properties on the IChatUserInfo objects being returned by GetContacts that would indicate whether or not the user has opened the web messenger?
    Do I have to do anything special to make sure the offline/online status is updated appropriately (so when other users open/close the web messenger that affects the offline/online status of that user in everyone else's buddylist)?
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