Re: saved html in mysql db displays as plain text when retrieved

  •  09-08-2010, 12:06 AM

    Re: saved html in mysql db displays as plain text when retrieved

    As I said, I've never written any php object code - just plain old procedural PHP, so I'm afraid that your reply does not help me. Perhaps, incorporating CuteEditor is beyong my php skills.
    I read all of your code and only understood small parts of it. Again, my problem is not storing and retrieving the actual content (maybe); it's just  that the content created by CuteEditor is displayed as raw html. 
    I've got 700 important notes stored in this database over ten years, including data captured in textarea forms and I don't have a problem with displyaing those records - just the ones captured and stored with the new CuteEditor.
    - Mike
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