Re: error writing file to the network drive

  •  08-03-2010, 4:49 AM

    Re: error writing file to the network drive

     Thanks for posts, I solved this problem.

    Here're the steps:

    • Step 1. Create a system user e.g. ForASPNET on the machine which hosts the ASP.NET application. (I created domain user e.g MyAccount)
    • Step 2. Grant the same permissions like ASP.NET built-in account Network Service. You could start the Visual Studio Command Prompt and run this command "aspnet_regiis -ga ForASPNET".(I used domain user e.g MyAccount)
    • Step 3. Create a system user in the shared server with the SAME name and password.(I used domain user e.g MyAccount)
    • Step 4. Grant the permissions to the shared file to the user ForASPNET. (MyAccount)
    • Step 5. Set the Identity as ForASPNET (MyAccount) in the ApplicationPool which the ASP.NET application is running under.(
      • Right click a specific ApplicationPool and choose "Advanced Settings".
      • Click the Identity and choose "Custom account".
      • Set the new created account.)
        For me works fine.
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