Select an image outside of Cute Editor?

  •  04-22-2005, 9:33 AM

    Select an image outside of Cute Editor?

    I'm creating a CMS for a website and I need to give users the ability to enter info related to articles that they wish to post to the site. Among the fields are Date, Title, Body and Thumbnail Image. The Date and Title I take care of with regular text input boxes, the Body is sorted with Cute Editor, however, the Thumbnail Image has me stuck...I would like to use the Cute Editor Insert Image window to allow users to either select an existing image, or to upload a new one from their PC.
    The thing is, I don't want them to necessarily see the Cute Editor interface just for would be preferred if the Editor were "hidden" and the Insert Image were invoked by clicking on a button. Once they have selected/uploaded their image, the src for that image would then be passed to a hidden input field for when the user hits the Submit button.
    Has anyone been able to do anything similar? I would be very interested in any info on how to go about this.
    Thanks in advance.
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