How to store database ids

  •  03-24-2010, 11:36 PM

    How to store database ids

    i am testing the ajax uploader and trying to figure out the following. if anyone can help i would greatly appreciate it.
    when uploading multiple files via ajax in .net mvc i am inserting each uploaded file into database in the IHttpHandler. I need to be able to store the database id for each of the inserted files. is there any way i can store additional properties/values/attributes with the MvcUploadFile object and then access it when upload has been completed for all files? if not, what other options do i have? how can i temporarily store some additional properties of the uploaded files? i noticed loader INPUT tag's value attribute holds the temp file guids. i went through the documentation but there is nothing there about this.
    also, how do i pass some parameter to my IHttpHandler via uploader object that's inserting the file into db? let's say i want to use user id in the IHttpHandler so i can insert the file into db for the correct user.
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