Re: unable to browse .aspx files when uploading

  •  03-18-2010, 3:21 PM

    Re: unable to browse .aspx files when uploading

      I has the same configuration as you posted above but I have an issue when both .asp and .aspx are there.  Likewise, for .htm and .html.  In SelectFile.aspx I noticed the following method:
        protected override void GetFiles(ArrayList files)
            foreach (string ext in secset.DocumentFilters)
                if (ext == null || ext.Length == 0) continue;

                if (ext.Length > 4)
                    if (!secset.DocumentFilters.Contains(ext.Substring(0, 4)))
                        files.AddRange(fs.GetFileItems(CurrentDirectory, secset.FileNamePrefix + "*" + ext));

                    files.AddRange(fs.GetFileItems(CurrentDirectory, secset.FileNamePrefix + "*" + ext));
    Specifically the following line:
    if (!secset.DocumentFilters.Contains(ext.Substring(0, 4)))
    This line causes aspx and html to get skipped because I also have htm and asp in my filters.  So, where are aspx and html eventually added?  When I comment out that if statement I don't have this issue.
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