Adding a link at the end of a paragraph removes the paragraph break

  •  10-20-2009, 10:03 AM

    Adding a link at the end of a paragraph removes the paragraph break

    We are finding that selecting the last word(s) of a paragraph and inserting a hyperlink causes that paragraph break to disappear, so that the next paragraph becomes part of the previous paragraph. If the following paragraph is a heading (<h2> etc) then this styling is lost as it's pulled into the previous paragraph.
    We are being careful only to select/highlight the letters of the word(s) and not the paragraph break itself, so not sure why this is happening. We're using standard <p> tags to denote paragraphs (I notice that the same problem doesn't happen here in the forum text editor, which appears to be using <div> tags instead, but <p> tags are more appropriate for well-formed content).
    Can anyone offer any advice or a fix?
    Many thanks
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