Various feature questions

  •  10-17-2009, 1:49 PM

    Various feature questions

    We're currently evaluating CE for a specific app; we didn't find any "clean" solution for the following points; so maybe somebody can lead us to the right direction...
    1. Can we set the editor to read-only when the user swithes to HTML (source code) view? The user should only have rights to write in in 'normal' view. Evtl. any Javascript API? We can trigger the click (command) on the vorious Tabs, but unable to set the editor readonly via JS.
    2. Any possibility to disable the automatic added anchor-tag when typing a URL and then do a break/enter? We tried to set custom html filter, which does work, but only when switching to html view and then back to normal view.
    3. When adding a paragraph via Toolbar-Button (InsertParagraph) the editor automatically adds a space before the text (<p>&nbsp;</p>). Any possibility to automatically remove that space when the user types a char?
    Besides that we really like the rich possibilities of CE; very nice to configure various things without the need of compiling again!
    We hope to get solved the above things.
    Thanks in advance,
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