Re: Problems setting my own temp directory

  •  08-18-2009, 4:49 AM

    Re: Problems setting my own temp directory

    I have this problem as well. Whatever I do, the temp files are put in the Windows temp folder, and I get the error that the upload handler can't find the file in the windows temp folder. As that is on the C drive and my web stuff on the E drive, I wan't to change this parameter. I have set it both in the calling script and in the upload handler.
    $uploader=new PhpUploader();
    $uploader->CancelAllMsg="Avbryt alla";
    $uploader->InsertText="Ladda upp filer";
    $uploader->ProgressInfoStyle="padding:3px; font:normal 9px Tahoma;";
      $uploader->ProgressTextTemplate="\r\nFil: %F% \r\nHittils: %P% %SEND% av totalt %SIZE%, %T% sekunder kvar.\r\n";
    $uploader->TempDirectory = "e:\\htdocs\\www\\temp\\musicbase\\";
    Note that I have tried giving the folder name using single backslashes, forward slashes and omitting the drive letter with the same result. Below is the result screen I get.
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