Security configuration file

  •  07-24-2009, 8:46 AM

    Security configuration file

    I am trying to use the file locations configured in the 'Configruation/Security/Default.config' file.
    The problem is that unless i programmatically configur both the ImageGalleryPath and the MaxImageSize then the cute editor window will display the message "The area you are attempting to access is forbidden." when i try to upload any files.
    For reference here is the code that I am currently using that works:

    editor.ID =
    editor.Text = ABSTRACT
    editor.FilesPath =
    editor.ImageGalleryPath = "/Uploads"
    editor.MaxImageSize = 250
    And here is the code that I want to work that is not:
    editor.ID = "ABSTRACT"
    editor.Text = ABSTRACT
    editor.FilesPath =
    Note also that I have confirmed that the default.config file is being used (if you specify the unwanted values) by modifying the maximum document size.
    Note also that I am also forbidden from uploading documents(and all other file types) unless the ImageGalleryPath and MaxImageSize values are specified programmatically.
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