Javascript error when document.body overwritten

  •  07-24-2009, 8:32 AM

    Javascript error when document.body overwritten

    Our web app overwrites document.body with a processing message before redirecting to another page. Unfortunately this generates a JS error in IE.
    I fixed it by adding a few lines to CuteEditor\Scripts\IE_Loader\Loader.js (added lines are colored red):
    1. function Ox9c1() {  
    2.     if (Ox9bc) {  
    3.         return;  
    4.     }  
    5.     for (var Ox16c = editor; Ox16c && Ox16c[OxO5e7f[34]]; Ox16c = Ox16c[OxO5e7f[22]]) {  
    6.         if (Ox16c[OxO5e7f[34]][OxO5e7f[33]] == OxO5e7f[42]) {  
    7.             setTimeout(Ox9c1, 100);  
    8.             return;  
    9.         }  
    10.     }  
    11.     Ox9bc = true;  
    12.     try {  
    13.         window.CuteEditorImplementation(editor);  
    14.     } catch (x) {  
    15.         Ox9bc = false;  
    16.         setTimeout(Ox9c1, 100);  
    17.         return;  
    18.     }  
    19.     try {  
    20.         editor[OxO5e7f[34]][OxO5e7f[165]] = OxO5e7f[4];  
    21.     } catch (x) {  
    22.     }  
    23.     try {  
    24.         editdoc[OxO5e7f[166]][OxO5e7f[34]][OxO5e7f[165]] = OxO5e7f[4];  
    25.     } catch (x) {  
    26.     }  
    27.     var Ox9c2 = editor.GetScriptProperty(OxO5e7f[167]);  
    28.     if (Ox9c2) {  
    29.         editor.Eval(Ox9c2);  
    30.     }  

    Can you add this to your source.
    Mike Ratcliffe
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