Re: how to get the value of the object

  •  07-15-2009, 8:46 AM

    Re: how to get the value of the object

    I tried to edit the dafault.asp in the package like you told me..
    I edited the target.asp page and added this code:
    strmsg = request.form("Editor1_HTMLContent")
    response.write strmsg 'to get the value of the object
    response. end
    When i run the page and edited the default text which is type here... changed to hello world text,
    In return the value of the object still " type here..." which is the default text in the content variable! how come it didnt get the new value which is hello world?
    dim content
     content =  "<FONT size=5 color=#2f4f4f>Type here...</FONT>
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