Re: PageRequestManagerParserErrorException - Please HELP

  •  07-08-2009, 6:17 AM

    Re: PageRequestManagerParserErrorException - Please HELP

    Okay, on further investigation, i think i may have found the cause for this problem... turns out the new version of Umbraco is changing the IDs of all html elements, so i'm ending up with stuff like this:
    <input id="ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderDefault_MASTERNoFormContentPlaceHolder_VehicleSubmissionWizard_1_Uploader" name="ctl00$ctl00$ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderDefault$MASTERNoFormContentPlaceHolder$VehicleSubmissionWizard_1$Uploader" type="hidden" /> 
    instead of this (which i was getting from the previous version):
    <input id="VehicleSubmissionWizard_1_Uploader" name="VehicleSubmissionWizard_1$Uploader" type="hidden" /> 
    Is this likely to cause the uploader control to break?  I'm thinking it'll probably break the event handler setup:
    Uploader.FileUploaded += new CuteWebUI.UploaderEventHandler(Uploader_FileUploaded); 
    which is probably what the problem is... does this sound right?  I've tested and it seems the FileUploaded event is not firing correctly, or the error is being thrown before the event fires, as i have put some debug code at the top of the event handler, but its never firing.  Unfortunately it's not easy to debug this when its inserted into the umbraco framework, which is why i need to resort to outputting debug data.
     How do you suggest i fix it?  Could you perhaps explain or point me to a document that explains how the control actually hooks up with the event handler?
    thanks heaps
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