Having a seperate upload image gallery folder for each User

  •  06-02-2009, 7:06 AM

    Having a seperate upload image gallery folder for each User

    I'm new to DNN and I'm having this problem with FCKEditor in it so I thought I should look around for some other solutions.
    The problem is that the 'Browse Server' button reveals all the images to everyone, while we want to give each user his own folder where he can look at the existing image or upload new ones.
    CuteSoft's rich textbox control looks nice. I've integrated that in DNN 4.9 with me as well. Now this shows up where I was having FCKEditor automatically but I can't seem to get how I can change the respective image gallery for a user on the fly.
    Here's my ascx code
    <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Tester.ascx.cs" Inherits="DesktopModules_FckTest_Tester" %>
    <%@ Register Src="~/controls/texteditor.ascx" TagName="TextEditor" TagPrefix="dnn" %>

        <dnn:TextEditor ID="texteditor1" Width="500px" Height="500px" runat="server"  />
     that is showing the editor but when I try replacing or adding the register tag with
    <%@ Register Assembly="CuteEditor" TagName="TextEditor" TagPrefix="cc" %>
    I get "Module Load Warning
    One or more of the modules on this page did not load. This may be temporary. Please refresh the page (click F5 in most browsers)."

    as a result I havent been able to do
    as per the developer's guide.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Imran Akram
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