Customize Cancel / Cancell All buttons..

  •  05-29-2009, 11:34 AM

    Customize Cancel / Cancell All buttons..

    i would like to purchase the ajax uploader control as i think is quite good..i'm testing it for a few days now but i found out that i cant really customize  "Cancell All" and "Cancel" button.
    Even if i can point to a new button for Cancel Current Upload with property: "CancelButtonID", i cant find a way to point to a new button for "Cancel All Uploads".
    I use it like this:
    <CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments runat="server" ProgressCtrlID="Panel1" ManualStartUpload="false" ID="Uploader1" ShowCheckBoxes="false" InsertButtonID="btnImgBrowse" CancelButtonID="btnImgCancelAll"  ShowTableHeader="false" TableStyle-Width="470" ProgressPanelWidth="470" ProgressBarHeight="21" ProgressPicture="~/resources/images/gifProgress.gif">
    And besides that for the "Cancel" button, if i try to place it above the <uploadAttachments> control, like in the save row with "Browse" button, when i try to upload more files, the "Cancel" and "Cancell All" buttons are placed bellow the progress bar one next to eachother...and i really dont want that..
    So my question is if i can have control over the position (all the time, no matter if is single/multiple file uploads) and if i can have control over the style of the "Cancel All Uploads" button that automatically appears when i upload multiple files...
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