Uploading to a location outside of the web root

  •  05-15-2009, 5:40 AM

    Uploading to a location outside of the web root

    I require a seperate upload folder for each user, I also require that that folder not be accessible from the web unless you are that user.
    Unfortunately I can't tell it to go to the directory "~/GetFile.aspx?file=/" which maps to "d:\uploads\users\394828" because it has decided for me how I handle uploads.
    A possible messy workaround would be to
    create a virtual directory pointing at d:\uploads\users and say call that ~/UserUploads, tell it that the upload dir is ~/UserUploads/394828 and then write a httphandler that gives out perms.
    Do you have any solutions, and if not, do you forsee any in the near or distant future?
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