All .DotNetGallery files under one folder?

  •  04-09-2009, 3:47 PM

    All .DotNetGallery files under one folder?

    I have .DotNetGallery set up on a site that is a little disorganized and would like to restructure/clean it up a bit.
    I created a folder underneath my root directory named gallery
    Underneath the gallery folder, I have the following:
    • album1
    • album2
    • album3
    • documentation
      •  the chm file
      • the user guide pdf
    • DotNetGallery_Files
      • All the associated files
    • album.aspx
    • empty.css
    • example.css
    • help.aspx
    • show.aspx
    The dll is in the \bin folder and the lic is under a keys folder (with the web.config value set) in the same level as the bin folder and it least it doesn' throw any errors.
    The issue i'm running into is when I run the application locally. I go to my gallery link and it displays my album index I coded it, but when  i try to view a certain album, it displays a blank page.
    I've tried to set the FolderPath property but not sure.
    The code to my show.aspx is below, which isnt too much different than the example/sample.
    Is there something i'm missing?
    Any help would be MUCH appreciated

    1. <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">   
    2.     <script runat="server">  
    3.         // Obtain the gallery folder from query string  
    4.         string album;  
    5.         void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)   
    6.         {  
    7.             album = Request.QueryString["album"];  
    8.             if (album == null || album=="/")   
    9.                 gallery1.FolderPath = "album1";   
    10.             gallery1.FolderPath = album;  
    11.         }  
    12.     </script>  
    13.     <div style="margin:15px">  
    14.     <CE:Gallery   
    15.             id="gallery1"   
    16.             runat="server"   
    17.             Width="600"   
    18.             Column = "4"  
    19.             MaxImageWidth="1024"  
    20.             BackColor="#ffffff"  
    21.             CellPadding="3"       
    22.             AutoResizeUploadedImages = "true"         
    23.             CellSpacing="3"  
    24.             ForeColor="#000000"  
    25.             BorderColor="#cc0000"  
    26.             BorderStyle="solid"  
    27.             BorderWidth="0"  
    28.             ShowThumbNailName="true"      
    29.             ShowThumbNailSize="false"     
    30.             ShowThumbNailDate="false"     
    31.             ShowThumbNailDescription="true"   
    32.             HomeURL="album.aspx"  
    33.             ShowUpload="false"  
    34.             ShowBatchBuild="true"  
    35.             ShowEditDescription="false"  
    36.             FilesPath="~/gallery/DotNetGallery_Files"  
    37.             HelpUrl="help.aspx"  
    38.             ShowHelp="true">  
    39.     </CE:Gallery>  
    40.     </div>  
    41. </asp:Content> 


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