Re: Few question regarding functionality of the editor and the developer license

  •  04-07-2009, 3:16 PM

    Re: Few question regarding functionality of the editor and the developer license

    Ok thanks, but first of all: that won't work because, as stated in one f the posts above; I can't resize the editors in the body onload event because they seem to have not yet been initialized at that time. It probably even fires an error because any code after the code sizing the editor is not being executed...
    Second: that would be the silliest event I've ever heard of? One that you must call yourself? Funny though, that it does get called by the editors themselves as well, occasionally, without me calling the function manually...? Besides, if one needs to call that function himself, then why is it even there? It should not be in the javascript api as being an event of the editor then; any code being executed in that function might as well be executed in the onload event of the body in the first place if that's where you need to call the oninitialized function from.
    Anyway; the multiple editor problem and javascript errors is huge and I don't think that there's a solution for it, so sadly I won't be able to use the control, which is a shame because it does provide a lot of functionality... :(
    Thanks for the effort,
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