Disable full screen mode?

  •  03-30-2009, 2:29 PM

    Disable full screen mode?

    I cannot seem to disable the F12 shortcut to full screen mode.  We're using a custom config file and it does not include the full screen button or the F12 "hotkey" definition.  However, the user can still toggle to full screen by pressing F12.  I did some searches and could not come up with a setting to disable this.  I'm concerned that a user might accidentally hit F12, then not know how to get out (Esc doesn't work, nothing indicates how to get out, only F12 works that I can find?). 
    Suggestion: It might be nice to add a small red X or resize icon to the top right corner when in full screen mode.  That seems like an intuitive place a user would go after getting into full screen. 
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