Re: CuteEditor 6.0 in GridView in UpdatePanel : bug ??

  •  03-24-2009, 3:14 PM

    Re: CuteEditor 6.0 in GridView in UpdatePanel : bug ??

    I have/had the latest build (3/16) and it did not work.  I had to roll back to an earlier release, but basically the problem was this:
    We have a dropdown that causes a postback for an updatepanel.  Cuteditor reloads with the async postback but the button bar across the top never shows up.  I was getting a javascript error - something like editor.getproperty did not resolve properly.  It was passing in the variable "FullPage" to the method call.  I tried defining this property in the control instead of taking the default and it didn't seem to help.
    Sorry for the sketchy details but I've already spent a bunch of time on this bug and don't have more to reproduce it for you.
    It would be very handy if you had a link to a "stable" version of the control, or archived versions.  I only see a link to the latest and greatest - maybe I'm missing somthing.  I'm using a 6.1 version that has a bug with pasting from word/excel so I get to choose the bug that goes live. 
    Hope that helps.
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