Get Windows logon prompt when trying to upload images

  •  01-22-2009, 3:17 AM

    Get Windows logon prompt when trying to upload images

    I have configured the editor to use sql server to store images and files according to sample cade posted elswhere on this site. This works fine in the developement environment with the integrated Visual Studio web server. On the production server with IIS6 I get a Windows login prompt when trying to upload files. If I supply a valid account the upload process starts, but the browser hangs and never finish the job. I have to kill the browser from task manager. If I cancel I get a 401 error.
    I guess this is some kind of security issue. I have tried to give the ASPNET and Network service permission on various places on the site, ~/uploads (which I assume is not used when files are stored in a db). Setting the CuteEditorTempPath in web.config and giving permission does not seem to help. Any suggestions? (ver 6.2)
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