Uploader is really slow when web site is set up as virtual directory

  •  12-23-2008, 8:31 AM

    Uploader is really slow when web site is set up as virtual directory

    I downloaded the latest release for the Ajax Uploader because I am interested in buying it. 
    If I create a new virtual directory in IIS 5.1 and point it to the 'Framework 2.0-Csharp-NoAjax' folder, the Uploader (on simple-upload.aspx) becomes very slow for files bigger than 200 KB.
    If I open the folder in VS2005 using File -> Open Web Site, and run the page using VS2005's built in server, the same page works fine for files of all sizes.
    The part that seems to be taking a long time is when the .resx file is being created in Framework 2.0-Csharp-NoAjax\UploaderTemp.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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