Change editor language

  •  05-27-2008, 10:17 AM

    Change editor language

    I tried to create new language for icon tooltip in Cute Editor. I copy file _default.xml to cs-CS.xml in ..\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Languages and then I translate some tooltips in cs-CS.xml.
    When I use Editor1.CustomCulture = "cs-CS" now, I get ecxeption like "Name of language version cs-cs is not supported. Name of parametr: name" (It is translation from czech language) ;
    Where can be a problem?
    When I translate tooltips in some other xml (for example da-DK.xml) and I use Editor1.CustomCulture = "da-DK", I get czech tooltip for icons. But it is not right solution :-). I use version CuteEditor [] (by help)
    Can You help me?


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