Traversing through Image Folder Path.

  •  05-21-2008, 2:42 PM

    Traversing through Image Folder Path.

    I'm having an issue with traversing through the folders after assigning the image folder path to editor.
    Actual Folder Structure:
    ~/uploadedImages/Sports/Baseball/   (uploadedImages folder contains Sports folder which contains Baseball folder)
    ~/uploadedImages/Sports/Football/    (uploadedImages folder contains Sports folder which also contains Football folder)
    One of the requirement is when the users click "Insert Image", users should to be taken to "~/uploadedImages/Sports/Baseball" by default, so i set the editor path to:
    Now when the users click "Insert Image" they are taken to the correct folder but then they CANNOT traverse to the folders above that. In the above example the users cannot traverse to "~/uploadedImages/Sports/Football/" 
    Could somebody please let me know if this is possible? If so, can you please guide me on how to achieve this?
    Thanks in advance.
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