Does Live Support work over SSL port 443?

  •  04-28-2008, 5:09 PM

    Does Live Support work over SSL port 443?

    I was told that live support works over ssl however I am unable to get it work properly. I was wondering if anyone out there has been able to successfully gotten it to work. The server it's installed on doesn't have port 80 open for security reasons, it handles some payment processing and student applications to the college I work for. So far the images and links to login don't work. It is as though they are hard coded to go over port 80 in the scripts or they all use ResolveUrl. Another issue I've been having over ssl, even thought the client connects properly it does not show the visitors currently on any pages that have the monitor script on them. Support-Visitor-monitor.js.aspx
    Any help would be appreciated.
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