Control's default text from database

  •  02-17-2004, 6:19 AM

    Control's default text from database

    How do I set the default text of the control, with data from a record from a database? It's easy enough to set default text via the Text property, but how on earth do I take this text from a database (for instance, for a "Edit post" function in a forum or similar)?


    Before, when I used a regular Textarea, it was easy enough to just use:


    <textarea cols="30" rows="7" name="text"><%=objDataR("text")%></textarea>


    (of course after opening a database connection and a ExecuteReader). But ASP.NET doesn't allow server tags (<% %>) as part of a server control, so how do I solve this with CuteEditor with the least amount of work?


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