Re: HTML2PDF conversion issue

  •  02-20-2008, 7:59 PM

    Re: HTML2PDF conversion issue

    And I have come full circle and answered my own question after banging my head for hours.... 
    For those who care, the final code that I got to work was:

    HTML2PDF objConverter = new CuteEditor.Convertor.PDF.HTML2PDF(strFormContent);

    Stream sPDFForm = new MemoryStream();

    objConverter.RenderSinglePageContent = false;



    sPDFForm.Position = 0;

    System.Net.Mail.Attachment objAttachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(sPDFForm, objContent.ContentHeader + ".pdf");



    What I didn't catch was that after calling the 'save' method of the HTML2PDF object, the stream position is at the end instead of the beginning.  This explains why I got zero byte files.  Once I added the line:
    sPDFForm.Position = 0;
    to set the position back to the beginning of the stream, all was working.
    Hope this helps someone out there!
    Adam (not that Adam!)
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