Re: Installing editor.

  •  08-21-2007, 4:42 PM

    Re: Installing editor.

       first thanks for replying. yeah i have looked at the article and did whatever it asked me to do. the thng is i am using Visual studio 2005 for application development. and i need to incorporate the editor into the applicaiton. now on the documentation it says that the control needs to be extracted to the bin directory of the application. now i have two questions for this.
    1. are they talking about the bin directory of the visual studio or the bin directory of the application being developed?
    2. and which are the folders that we need to copy to the bin? i mean there are two folders that i thnk can be copied. one is for framework 1.x and the other for 2.0. which other folders within these foldres need to be put in and where is the question. cause i have tried almost everything and nothn seems to be working. please help.
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