Display same contact list for all users

  •  07-23-2007, 8:42 AM

    Display same contact list for all users

    I am currently evaluating Web Messenger for purchase of a developer license.

    In our scenario, we don't want to allow users to control their contact list. We simply want their contact list to show ALL users who are currently registered.  We want to take away the option to Add a Contact, since their list will already have everyone. We would like to leave the option to block users.

    I realize I can manually edit the CuteChatRelation table in SQL Server to alter the contact list, but this really isn't ideal. Since having N # of users would result in N * (N-1) # of records in that table (200 users would require 39,800 entries). Also, if a 201st users was added, we would have to make a huge change to the table.. adding the new user to 200 existing users, as well as another 200 updates to add all existing to the new user (sounds complicated? it is!)...

    Instead, is it possible to simply edit the query that populates the contact list? Rather than querying the CuteChatRelation table, I would simply like to query the CuteChatUser table to select all users.

    Last, is it possible to remove the Add Contact link from the main interface when running as stand-alone AND embedded?  Also, the Contact Menu (in the File - Contacts - View - Help menu bar) will also need to be removed when running in stand-alone mode. Possible?



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