Integrating our own Image Gallery?

  •  12-13-2004, 12:35 AM

    Integrating our own Image Gallery?

    Hi guys,
    First things first - the configuration for the New Post page on this forum doesn't appear to like FireFox v1.0 - I can't type into the editor box...
    Anyway... We have developed our own CMS over the last couple of years including a fairly crude html editor based around the execCommand method (IE only as it's a corporate environment). As part of the system, we have created an image gallery that stores images in binary format in an SQL database. This allows us to easily replicate the content out to our ISP and in the future have a webfarm that simply references the DB for all content and images. We currently use showModalDialog() to display the gallery, which returns the imageId when the user selects/uploads the image they want. We then build a url of "/Images/Render.aspx?ID="+imageId and pass that into execCommand('InsertImage',null,imagePath) to insert the image into the editor.
    Our crude editor has now outlived its usefulness and we are evaluating options offered by third party controls. From what I've seen, CuteEditor 4.0 has some great features that really sets it apart from other offerings, but I'm having a little trouble working out the best way to integrate our gallery. My ideal usage scenario is as follows:
    1. User clicks 'Insert Image' button, they are presented with our current gallery and select an image from there (or upload a new one).
    2. After selecting an image, the CE Image Properties dialog automtically pops up allowing them to set various style/border/margin properties. Where the "Browse" button is next to the URL box, we would like that button to go back to our gallery to allow the user to change the chosen image.
    3. Image is inserted into the document with styles/properties as defined in step 2.
    4. If an existing image is already highlighted in the editor when the "Insert Image" button is clicked, it should bring up the Properties dialog as before, allowing them to change styles etc as well as clicking the "Browse" button to go back to our gallery to change the image.
    Any tips on getting something as close to this as possible would be greatly appreciated - not to mention increasing the likelihood of us choosing to purchase CE4.0 :D
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