PasteText, PasteCleanHTML doesn't work with Safari

  •  03-08-2007, 11:02 AM

    PasteText, PasteCleanHTML doesn't work with Safari

    I have a site set up where a few selected users are able to post in blogs, using CuteEditor for .NET to compose their posts. Some of them have articles published elsewhere on the internet and want to copy & paste their articles into their blogs. That's OK, but we don't want the fonts in the blogs to differ from the CSS set for the rest of the site. I tried setting the EditorOnPaste property to PasteCleanHTML. That worked great in Windows, but in MAC/Safari, the font tags are not removed and override our CSS, meaning that the resulting post is in a different font from the rest of the site. I tried setting EditorOnPaste to PasteText and PastePureText, but it still doesn't work when the user is running MAC/Safari.
    I was able to reproduce this behavior using your example page at:
    when I open it in Safari, set it to PasteText or PasteCleanHTML, and attempt to paste colored, italicized font in an unusual font face from a different website, the Editor does not remove the font tags. In Windows/IE7, the font tags are removed.
    Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Please tell me how to fix the situation.
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