Insert Table Bug

  •  03-07-2007, 7:39 AM

    Insert Table Bug

    There appears to be either a bug or a strange problem which causes the 'insert table' function to work differently in IE 7.0 against Firefox 2.0.
    In Firefox, by clicking on the 'insert table' button a dialog is displayed. I select the default property values then press the OK button. At this point I am able to select entire columns in the table.
    However, in IE 7.0 when I click on the 'insert table' button I instead see a small 'Draw Table' popup display immediately underneath the 'insert table' button where I am able to specify how many rows and columns I would like.

    At this stage the new table is inserted but when I attempt to select a column, what happens is that cells from the previous column are also selected. This is a problem as my users would like to set the text justification for all cells in a single column.
    Please help.
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