No text change

  •  10-31-2006, 3:34 PM

    No text change

    I have 3 editors on a page.
    I load from a database text on these 3 editors

    editor1.text = mytable["Body1"].ToString();
    editor2.text = mytable["Body2"].ToString();
    editor3.text = mytable["Body3"].ToString();

    I change the text in one of the editors and then I save the editors text back to database

                DataRow MyRow = MyTable.Rows[0];

                MyRow["Body1"] = Editor1.Text;
                MyRow["Body2"] = Editor2.Text;
                MyRow["Body3"] = Editor3.Text;


    My database is not updated. I have some simple textboxes on the same form, load and save them too, and works fine.

    Can anyone help me. Is there any method I should use to merge changes?


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