Performance (v 5.2) with 4-5 page documents pasted from Word

  •  09-19-2006, 12:11 AM

    Performance (v 5.2) with 4-5 page documents pasted from Word

    Certain documents pasted from Word result in very slow performance of the editor. By very slow I mean maxing out the CPU on the client for 10-25 seconds.  XHTMLOutput is set to false (by default and then I tried explicitly setting it).  The degradation in performance seems to occur when the focus is lost on the "Normal" view; either by switching to HTML or submitting the page or following a static link on the page.  However, switching from the "HTML" view to the "Normal" view has just fine performance.
    I can not recreate this on  However, I can recreate it with the latest 5.2 package (downloaded it from the server again today).  I used the default.asp page.
    This performance is definitely a show stopper for me.  However, I hope that there is resolution in that I don't have any problems on the server.
    Any ideas would be appreciated.  Anyone know of a good javascript profiler that could help me isolate which method is hogging the CPU?
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