Strange different gallery.xml content sometimes

  •  08-01-2006, 1:30 PM

    Strange different gallery.xml content sometimes

    Hi Adam, Caren

    We are using yours Gallery component. Successfully. Thanks. But...
    Sometimes, I do not know whereupon (sorry for my English), in the file gallery.xml we have:
    1. <xs:schema id="NewDataSet"... before <image> tags. No problems when viewing gallery. But...
    2. Sometime there is no schema and after <NewDataSet> we see <image> tag at once.
    3. And the bad case: sometimes we have loose <id> tags in the <image>. I have needed to reappend them "by hands".
    4. The worst case: we loose all content. I am looking at gallery.xml and seeing xs:schema tag only. There are no images at all.
    I think you can try to find the error in the dataset store function.
    Or else, may be we do something wrong?
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