Cannot change content in CE?

  •  05-26-2006, 5:09 AM

    Cannot change content in CE?

    Only just started playing with this so it's probably something really basic but I load up an instance of CE, attempt to set the text and then add it to a placeholder for display in the browser. It's currently doing this on each page load - inefficient I know but I'll change that in future. However, if I set the text the first time it displays, if it's set to something else the next time it won't change but only show the original text? What am I doing wrong?
    Code snippet:

    Editor ce = new CuteEditor.Editor();

    if (_contentID != "") //param passed in when link on client is clicked
       ce.Text = LoadContent(); //returns string of content from DB
    else //otherwise put in default text
       ce.Text = "Please enter some content";

    Any suggestions? Is it something to do with ViewState?


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